
We're thrilled to announce some fantastic new features and improvements added during March to enhance your experience on TopWorksheets:🗑️ Task Recycle Bin: Say goodbye to accidental deletions! Now, you can restore tasks from the recycle bin, ens...
Answers: 0
I have a challenge for you, if you have no urgent matters at hand: I have created a scoring system that uses blue instead of green to show the right answers, for a student who can't tell red from green, but the problem is that when an option is corre...
Answers: 2
I've created a test on Topworksheet and set the duration for the test. One student of mine was about to finish the test on her ipad, but she accidentally switched to another tab, and when she returned to Topworksheet to continue the test, the time ra...
Answers: 2
4 days ago
Hello, 'm decided to no longer use the features on silver subcription but i don't know how to cancel it to free form. Please help me! 
Answers: 4
Hi, I think something's changed and I hope it is not my eyesight, because I suddenly seem to find it harder to see the text when I'm writing feedback for my students (see attached image). I'm using Firefox 117.0.1 on Linux Ubuntu 20.4.6.Do you think ...
Answers: 10
Hello,I'm having trouble printing a PDF after I've 'corrected submission'. I've changed some answers from incorrect to correct on the second page but they are still showing red when I download as a PDF. I've tried closing my browser, clearing my sett...
Answers: 6
Hello, I just want to make a comment on something that happened during one of my lessons last week. Kids were completing a topworksheet for which I had set up the possibility of "Do the task again" by only correcting the mistakes. What happ...
Answers: 6
When I look for worksheets with "for" and "since" I am shown two copies of one of my worksheets (see picture), but the one on the right (the one with the topic "other") does not exist any longer.
Answers: 2
Today I can't see the option to copy a worksheet by a colleague to my account. Has the policy or the procedure changed, or is it a glitch?
Answers: 6
I need to reach the listening track for Can you help me?
Answers: 1
I fail to create worksheet on my Samsung tab. I am opening the platform with Google chrome. After uploading my template,  I failed to create any questions in whatsoever format,. Is there a solution yet?
Answers: 2
Hello! I'm trying to download some of my students' submissions, but a message pops up saying that there is an error and I cannot do it. What can I do?Thank you, Laura
Answers: 2
Hi Topworksheets Team,I wonder if I can download my worksheet as a PDF because some of my students can't access the internet.Thank you,Shane
Answers: 1
Hello,I'm having some more issues with alignment problems. As you can see on this submitted worksheet, on the fifth page I had created a drag and drop exercise. However, once the student submitted it, the boxes are all over the place. Please see atta...
Answers: 6
Hi! I'm not sure what's going on, but now when I go back into edit a worksheet at a later date (for example if I notice there is an incorrect answer), the worksheet clears all of my open-ended questions, meaning this option is no longer checked. So, ...
Answers: 2
Can we make a worksheet that possible for students to answer it using a photo/picture/image?
Answers: 1
Is there a way to make sure the background is sharp when using an uploaded background? I have many exercises created in Google Docs and I love the way Topworksheets enables easy digitalization, but I can't seem to get a sharp image. I have already tr...
Answers: 3
Hi, dear TopWroksheet's team. Recently I was trying to Input my students' data to create their accounts and add them to my closed group. Once accounts are created, but It was impossible to generate them. Could you possibly check if there's any inconv...
Answers: 2
Hi!We are looking for a way to insert mandatory text fields which won't be graded. We would like to create a questionnaire after the quiz which has to be filled out before sending it. Using the text field as an open question would deactivate automati...
Answers: 2