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Manage your teacher account
Manage your teacher account

You need a teacher account to create worksheets and send them to your students.

Create worksheets with the visual editor
Create worksheets with the visual editor

All the tools you need to create your worksheets with the visual editor

Field types you can add
Field types you can add

How do the different field types work and how to add them to make our worksheets interactive

Create worksheets with the worksheet builder
Create worksheets with the worksheet builder

Create worksheets easier and faster. Just type the questions and answers and we'll build the worksheet for you

Manage your groups and students
Manage your groups and students

Create groups to manage your students and assigned tasks

Assign and grade tasks
Assign and grade tasks

Assign worksheets as tasks to your students and receive their answers automatically

Use Google Classroom with TopWorksheets
Use Google Classroom with TopWorksheets

Save time by sending worksheets as assignments and the automatic synchronization of grades

Use Microsoft Teams with TopWorksheets
Use Microsoft Teams with TopWorksheets

Create assignments from worksheets and automate the synchronization of grades

Use Moodle with TopWorksheets
Use Moodle with TopWorksheets

Is your school using Moodle? Create activities in your platform with TopWorksheets

TopWorksheets AI
TopWorksheets AI

Generate questions and answers automatically with artificial intelligence

Premium features
Premium features

Get to know all features included in our premium plans


Learn how to use the platform and all the functionalities.

Help for students
Help for students

Learn how to use all TopWorksheet tools for students

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