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How to add TopWorksheets to your Moodle

Moodle allows external tools to be used inside the platform. Let's see how to install TopWorksheets in your Moodle installation. Remember to do this first step you need to have Administrator privileges.

  1. Log in to Moodle and click on the “Site administration” top bar option.
  2. Go to the “Plugins” section.
  3. Find the “Manage tools” option (below “External tool” option).
    Add TopWorksheets in Moodle
  4. Inside the "Manage tools" section, find the option “Alternatively, you can configure a tool manually" and click on the link.

  5. Fill the following fields in the form that has appeared:
    • Tool name: TopWorksheets
    • Tool URL: https://www.topworksheets.com/teacher/lti/config
    • Consumer key and Shared secret: you can find your keys in the LTI integrations tab on your Account configuration
    • Tool configuration usage: select the value "Show in activity chooser and as a preconfigured tool"
    • Default launch container: select the value "Embed, without blocks" and check the "Supports Deep Linking (Content-Item Message)" checkbox
    • Open the "Privacy" section and select the value "Always" on the "Accept grades from the tool" and "Share launcher’s name with tool" dropdowns and check the "Force SSL" checkbox

Once you have done all these steps TopWorksheets will appear on your external tools inside your Moodle and all the teachers on Moodle will be able to create activities in their courses.