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The Speak text-to-speech feature to read text aloud



Is there the Speak text-to-speech feature to read text aloud once I click it? 

Thanks in advance


Hi Aseny,

We don't have a text-to-speech feature available yet. We are looking at it as we want to make it compatible with all the major browsers so we don't leave anyone behind in this feature.

We will announce it when we have it available.


Hi Aseny,

Maybe you have already seen this but we just announced the Text-to-speech field for TopWorksheets.

We hope this is useful for you.

 . . . I'm really glad to hear that !

 . . . Hoping to get a Spech-to-Text feature in the near future !

 . . . Thanks guys !!   . . .  Keep up the good work !


Teacher Mateus 11/30/2022