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September 2023 News update


We bring you the updates we have added to TopWorksheets during September.

Changing the style of Interactive video questions

We have expanded the possibilities when customizing the style of Interactive Video questions. Now, you can select the font, font size and text color for the questions in an Interactive Video.

Change Interactive video style

Change identifiers for multiple fields at once

Changing identifiers for multiple Joins, Checkboxes, Highlights, or Drag & drops can be tedious. That's why now you can select all the fields you want to modify and assign an identifier to all of them at once. Save time and make changes much faster.

Change multiple identifiers at once

Option to disable PDF download for submissions

A new option is available when assigning tasks to students. If you don't want students to be able to download the PDF with the task results, you can deactivate the option "Allow students to download the submission as PDF after submitting the task". Remember that from that same section, you can make the selected options the default for all your tasks.

Disable PDF download in tasks

Changes on the student page

Students in closed groups can now easily see how many tasks they have submitted and how many are pending for each group they belong to. From their account, in the "My Groups" section, they can view all this data.

Changes in student account

Ignore spaces in answers

We have added a new self-grading rule. Now, you can ignore spaces in student answers. To activate this option, go to the "Self-grading rules" section in the settings section of the worksheet editor and enable the "Ignore spaces" option.

This option can be very useful if answers are formulas or long texts where students may add extra spaces. Remember that you can activate this option from your account settings or autograding settings to apply it to all the worksheets you create.

Ignore spaces in answers

by Christian TopWorksheets


Users who have to revise imported worksheets from Liveworksheets will find the option to assign a common identifier to all the options in a question really useful. I wish it had been available last summer! :-))

Thank you for devoting your time to helping us save ours!

Juan José 10/05/2023