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Moving completed worksheets to a new group


Hello! Is there any possibility of moving completed worksheets to a new group. The original one is getting a bit messy, so I'd like to separate out the tasks. And for easy reference for the student, I would love to move some of the completed grammar ones to the new folder for grammar worksheets. Is there any way this would be possible? Thanks in advance. :)

by Charlie Ziese


Hi Charlie,

Right now there is no way to do that. Moving tasks to another group implies moving all the submissions, all the students in a closed group and it would change the statistics of the group.

You can archive these tasks or submissions. Archiving multiple tasks is not a fast process now, we'll try to improve it.

Kind regards.

You can edit the tasks and add a number as a prefix, like a page number. I always to that when I assign a worksheet, so that we can refer to it by number if there are errors to notify or feedback to give.

That way, you and your students can know which worksheets are from, say, last term. You can also rearrange the order in the task list so that it is the same as the page numbers, in case you want to group your worksheets by topic rather than in chronological order.

To add a page number to a task, edit it and change the title.

Juan José 02/15/2024

For the grammar worksheets you can include a G in the task title:

G1 - Passive voice 1

G2 - Passive voice 2

Juan José 02/15/2024

Ok, thanks for your answer, and thanks Juan José for your advice. I'm now planning to separate them out as there will be just too many worksheets in one to keep it organized well, but I had hoped to keep all associated ones together for reference. Now if I separate it will be quite messy, as they are not from long ago so I don't want to archive them. I know I can rename them, but again, it will be so many worksheets. In the future, I will be sure to setup individual folders from the beginning to avoid this issue. 

Charlie Ziese 02/16/2024