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Feedback, Annotation

Hi, How can my students get to know my annotations and feedback when I correct a Worksheet? , is there a way for the to know that? I think they should input an e-mail when submiting answers,

Best Regard,

Wilfredo Gil ( COL)



Hi Wilfredo,

Once a worksheet is corrected, you can download the submission as a PDF document and that includes your annotations.

That's not a practical way to send students feedback. In my opinion, you should create a way to send students answers from the website to their e-mails with annotations and answers. 

Also,  have you considered the function  enrolling students accounts? It's a very good idea. 

best regards

SENA ENGLISH 09/15/2021

Hi Wilfredo,

We are considering what you say but there are very strict rules in some countries about having students' personal data. But we are looking for a way to do that.