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Change background in a "start from scratch" worksheet


I have created a worksheet from scratch, and now I have decided to include a background document, but I can't see the option to change the background, I can only add more pages and write in them from scratch, too.

Is there a way to transform my worksheet into an ordinary one based on a background image?

by Juan José


Hi Juan José,

Right now there is no way to do that, but we will look into it and let you know.

Kind regards.

I appreciate it, but only if you have nothing better to do and would like a challenge - after all, this isn't going to be a frequent problem - I've learnt my lesson! Also, it did not take me long to do it, and it will take me even less to repeat it.

Thank you for all your hard work.

Juan José 05/10/2024

Hi Juan José.

We have made available to all users the options "Change page background" in a page that was started from scratch and "Remove page background" on a pa that has a image background.

We hope this is helpful.

Thank you so much, you are a bunch of geniuses!

Juan José 06/03/2024