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Can't delete text boxes


Hi there,

Something is going on with the worksheets and it won't allow me to delete a text box. Actually, I didn't add a text box. The boxes were all "written" box forms but when I opened it again some of them were text boxes and it's impossible to delete them. 

Please help!

by Charlie Ziese


Hi Charlie,

We will look into it and let you know once it's fixed.

Kind regards.

Also If you could tell us which fields are giving you problems it would be great.

On the second page of the worksheet linked above, you'll see 3 text boxes that say 'delete' - those are the ones that I want to delete.

Charlie Ziese 02/24/2024

Hi Charlie,

I was able to delete the text fields with the text "delete" without any issues (have it on autosave for the moment). Do you want us to save the worksheet so they will be gone?

Yes please. Do you know why I might not be able to. I've tried over several days, after restarting completely. And it still wouldn't allow me to delete them. I can move them, rename them, but not delete them.

Charlie Ziese 02/26/2024

Hi Charlie,

It is done, the boxes have been deleted. We are investigating why couldn't you delete this boxes, we have identified the issue and we'll let you know once it's fixed.

Thank you! :)

Charlie Ziese 02/26/2024

Hi Charlie,

Looks like the visual editor always put the focus on the text editor when selecting a text field therefore the shortcut to delete the field by pressing the Delete key was not working. This is now fixed.

Could be this issue what prevented you from deleting the fields?

Hi, ok yes that sounds right, because I was able to edit the box just not delete. Thank you so much for your help with this. :)

Charlie Ziese 02/26/2024