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I'm having some trouble with boxes aligning on some documents. When I create the document, the boxes are aligned. However, when I preview it or a student goes to complete the task and zooms to 100% - the boxes are not aligned correctly. How can I fix this issue?

Ref: https://www.topworksheets.com/teacher/worksheets/edit/08cc2eeb-0531-47e1-b92c-804b0126b72e

Ref 2: https://www.topworksheets.com/custom/5a61284d-6de7-4055-ba2b-c5358160cda7

by Charlie Ziese


Hi Charlie,

We are investigating this issue. We'll keep you posted.

Kind regards.

Hi Charlie,

We've fixed this issue. It should not happen again.

Kind regards.

Hi, thanks for checking into this. But I am still experiencing the same problem. See attached images. When the screen is at 67% it looks fine and everything is aligned. But as the screen is zoomed up to 100% or larger, the boxes become more misaligned. Is there any way to fix this issue? Or at least, it seems like they should be aligned at 100%, as 67% is quite small.

Charlie Ziese 10/27/2023

Hi Charlie,

We will continue investigating this.

Apologies for the inconvenience.

Hi Charlie,

We have been investigating this issue and found a fix to work in all cases. The worksheet fields will appear where they should independently of the zoom level.

Kind regards.