Juan José

Unless otherwise stated, all my materials have a Creative Commons licence with permission to adapt and redistribute (i.e. publish a modified version here), crediting the original author, but not to make a profit out of them (CC BY-NC-SA). To avoid accusations of plagiarism, you can just say "adapted from a worksheet by JuanJosé by kind permission of the author". If you see a mistake in one of my worksheets, please warn me by selecting "report worksheet". I will get a warning with your message.

IES Modesto Navarro

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My worksheets

English language
Pronunciation of -s 1
English language
Be / have 3
English language
Mixed rephrasings 1
English language
Rephrasing tutorial 1
English language
Irregular verbs sudoku
English language
Jayson's Story
English language
Prepositions - town
English language
Modern slavery ranking