TASK 3 - Text Structure

Dear students, what you have read before is a Narrative Text. I have written the generic structure of narrative text below. Now, please match each structure with its pair!
Language: Indonesian
Subject: Bahasa Inggris > Membaca
School grade: Indonesia Indonesia

TASK 3 - Text Structure

Dear students, what you have read before is a Narrative Text. I have written the generic structure of narrative text below. Now, please match each structure with its pair!

Please write your name!

TASK 3 - Text Structure

Dear students, what you have read before is a Narrative Text. I have written the generic structure of narrative text below. Now, please match each structure with its pair!

Find the match!

Appearing solution that makes the storyline end


A closing that tells the final condition of the character in the story.


Explaining the beginning of the problem


Introducing the characters, time setting, or place setting
