Idioma: Español
Asignatura: Inglés > Gramática
Edad: 14 - 15



A Graduate’s Story: Getting Your Foot In The Door Lizzie’s story

After studying media for four years at university, Lizzie thought she would find work quickly. She had had part-time jobs before so she had some work experience. However, it took her nearly a year to get a job.

September 2012 was the first time she wasn’t going to continue education. She had graduated that summer and now was out of work. She had decided to take the summer off and go travelling with friends, and then return and start looking for work. However, by September she had to accept that she was unemployed.

Despite looking for work every day, she wasn’t getting anywhere. Searching for work was a tough process and after three months she had only had three interviews. ‘I was struggling to cope with the search on my own so I decided to sign up with my local job centre,’ she said. ‘My career advisor was completely honest with me, but really supportive. With her advice and guidance, I was starting to feel more confident.’

After several months Lizzie realized she had to do something about it, so she decided unpaid work was better than no work at all. She found some voluntary work online through a website called Volunteering the Easy Way. She was able to get a position as a production volunteer at a TV and film production company that was run by a local charity.

Even though there was no salary, she was determined to show she was hard-working. Fortunately it paid off. The TV producers at the charity recognized her potential and offered her a part-time paid position. Now Lizzie has been working as an assistant there for four months and has been developing her career. The charity has been providing her with training and valuable experience. Now she hopes one day she will find a full-time position as a film producer.

Read the article and put the events in the correct order (From 1 to 10)

1. Lizzie studied media for four years at university

2. She went travelling with her friends before looking for work

3. She signed up with her local job centre and spoke to a career advisor

4. The company offered her a part-time paid position

5. She showed the company that she was hard-working

6. She got three interviews after three months of job searching

7. She was able to get a position as a production volunteer at a TV and film production company.

8. She was determined to show she was hard-working

9. Lizzie has been working as an assistant there for four months and has been developing her career

10. She hopes one day she will find a full-time position as a film producer



1. Kathy said, ‘I’ll meet you at the cinema at seven, Oli.’

2. ‘I’ve got a lot of homework to do.’ said Max. Kylie said, ‘I’ve finished all mine!’

3. Edward said, ‘I spoke to your friend Ellie last night.’

4. ‘Be quick, Debbie!’

5. ‘Can you get me a glass of water, please?’