Traducción de frases

Traduce las siguientes oraciones en tu cuaderno
Idioma: Español
Asignatura: Inglés > Escritura
Curso: España España

Traducción de frases

Traduce las siguientes oraciones en tu cuaderno

Translate the sentence: 'I have a dog'

Translate the sentence: 'She is playing in the park'

Translate the sentence: 'We are going to the beach'

Translate the sentence: 'He is tall and thin'

Translate the sentence: 'They are reading a book'

Translate the sentence: 'My favorite color is blue'

Translate the sentence: 'She is wearing a red dress'

Translate the sentence: 'We are eating pizza for dinner'

Translate the sentence: 'He likes to play soccer'

Translate the sentence: 'They are going to the movies'