9. Should and shouldn´t (pp. 95,97,98)

Idioma: Español
Asignatura: Inglés > Escritura
Edad: 16 - 17

1. Para cada problema de salud selecciona algo recomendable (should) y algo no recomendable (shouldn´t).

When you have a burn you should

and you shouldn´t

When you have a backache you should

and you shouldn´t

When you have a sore throat you should

and you shouldn´t

When you have fever you should

and you shouldn´t

and you shouldn´t

When you have COVID you should

When you have a headache you should

and you shouldn´t

2. Relaciona las 2 columnas con una linea considerando la recomendación para cada problema de salud.

3. Selecciona las opciones que completen correctamente el enunciado.