Influencing with integrity

Navigating the ethical use of Instagram
Language: English
Subject: Technology > Security
Age: 12 - 13

Influencing with integrity

Navigating the ethical use of Instagram

Match the correct pairs

Being your true self and representing yourself accurately online


When someone has intent to harm or harass someone online often taking place over social media.


The trail of data that is created through a person's online activity and interactions on the internet

Digital footprint / tattoo

What personal information should you not share whilst online?

Select all answers that apply (there is more than one correct answer)

Your home address

Your School

Your pets name

What food you had for lunch

Your phone number

Match the correct pairs

a set of standards or principles that guide an individual's conduct or the way an activity is carried out

Online Reputation

False information spread online for malicious or manipulative purposes

Fake news

How others perceive and judge an individual based on their online activities
