Scratch Coding

Language: English
Subject: Technology > Programming
Age: 9 - 10

Scratch Coding

1. What is Scratch?

A programming language

A video game

A dance move

A type of food

2. Which block is used to repeat a set of actions?

If block

Forever block

Move block

Hide block

3. What does the 'when green flag clicked' block do?

Starts the program

Stops the program

Makes the sprite move

Changes the background color

4. What is a variable in Scratch?

A type of food

A programming concept

A musical instrument

A character or object

5. Which programming concept does the "if-else" block represent in Scratch?





6. Which block is used to repeat a set of actions a certain number of times in Scratch?

Forever block

Repeat until block

Repeat block

If-else block

7. Which of the following are valid sensing blocks in Scratch?

mouse x

key space pressed

sprite touching color

sound loudness