Introduction to Selection

Language: English
Subject: Technology > Programming
School grade: United Kingdom United Kingdom

Introduction to Selection

What does the "if" block do in Scratch?

Repeats a set of instructions a specific number of times

Checks a condition and runs certain code if the condition is true

Loops through a set of instructions

In Scratch, what does the "else" block do?

Loops through a set of instructions

Executes a set of instructions if the condition is false

Ends the program

What is the purpose of the "forever" block in Scratch?

Creates an infinite loop that repeats forever

Repeats a set of instructions a specific number of times

Repeats a set of instructions a specific number of times

Which of the following is an example of a condition in Scratch?

if touching color red, then change colour

when green flag clicked

move 10 steps

What happens when a condition in Scratch is false, and there is an "else" block?

The program ends

The "else" block is ignored, and the program continues

The instructions inside the "else" block are executed

Which block is used to repeat a set of instructions a specific number of times?




In a game, if you want a condition to keep being checked, what do you have to put the if block inside.

Repeat Loop

Forever Loop

No loops are needed