It quiz....................

Language: English
Subject: Technology > Computer architecture
School grade: Japan Japan

It quiz....................


What does CPU stand for?

Central Processing Unit

Computer Processing Unit

Control Processing Unit

Centralized Processing Unit

Which of the following is a programming language?





What does HTML stand for?

Hyper Text Markup Language

High Tech Machine Language

Hyperlink and Text Markup Language

Home Tool Markup Language

What is the function of RAM in a computer?

Stores long-term data

Processes data

Provides temporary storage

Manages network connections

Which type of software allows users to browse the internet?

Word Processor

Web Browser

Antivirus Program

Media Player

What is the function of an operating system in a computer?

Runs applications

Manages hardware resources

Creates documents

Edits images

What does URL stand for?

Universal Resource Locator

Uniform Resource Locator

Unified Resource Locator

Unique Resource Locator

Which of the following is a storage device?




Hard Drive