Investigating the BOM Recent and historical rainfall maps

Language: English
Subject: Social Science > Geography
Age: 10 - 11

Investigating the BOM Recent and historical rainfall maps

Question 1:
Overall which state has the highest recent twelve-monthly rainfall totals for Australia?

Western Australia


South Australia


Question 2:
Looking at the map of Victoria, select the correct August monthly rainfall total for Melbourne.

25 to 50 mm

0 to 1 mm

50 to 100 mm

300 to 400 mm

Question 3:
Was the total rainfall for September 2023 for Melbourne higher, the same or lower than the long term September average?




Question 4:
What was the average annual rainfall for Melbourne?

100 to 200 mm

600 to 1000 mm

1000 to 1500 mm

2000 to 3000 mm

Question 5:
Use the recent and historical rainfall maps to identify which month over the past year have had the most amount of rainfall in Melbourne.