Earth and beyond

This worksheet is related to the chapter Earth and beyond.
Language: English
Subject: Social Science > Geography
Age: 8 - 9

Earth and beyond

This worksheet is related to the chapter Earth and beyond.

Read this statement and answer the questions.

The rotation of the Earth on its own axis causes day and night.

a) What is an axis?

b) What is rotation?

c) Explain the way that the Earth's rotation causes day and night.

Read the paragraph and write the answers.

A comet is a chunk of ice and rock that orbits the Sun. Most comets are a few kilometres in diameter. As a comet gets close to the Sun, the ice starts to melt and forms a tail of gases. When it moves away from the Sun the gases freeze.
a) What is a comet?

Planetary systems contains other objects such as





Where is the asteroid belt situated?

Read the paragraph and answer the question

Moon is the Natural satellite of the Earth. Earth has an atmosphere so any meteor that enters the atmosphere usually burns up. The moon has no atmosphere so they hit the surface of the moon. This forms craters on the moon.

Why are there craters on the Moon?

Fact sheet: Halley's comet
Halley's comet is one of the most famous comet. It is called as a periodic comet because it appears near the Earth only once in 75 years. The comet is named after an astronomer Edmond Halley who found out about the comet. The Halley's comet was last visible from Earth in the year 1986 and it will be seen again in the year 2061.

Why is it called Halley's comet?

How often is Halley's comet visible to the people on Earth?

Draw a picture of Halley's comet.

When will Halley's comet next be visible from Earth?