9.31.M - Lesson: Billy Sunday

Language: English
Subject: Religion > Christianity
Age: 12 - 13

9.31.M - Lesson: Billy Sunday

What is his name?

When and where was he born?

What sport did Billy Sunday play professionally before becoming an evangelist?





Where did Billy Sunday spend most of his teenage years before running away?

With his family on their farm

In an orphanage

In an apprenticeship program

Traveling and playing baseball

How did Billy Sunday get onto the radar of the Chicago White Stockings baseball team?

He helped his local team beat a champion team.

He won a talent show competition.

He was spotted playing in a street game.

After playing baseball for several years, what big decision did Billy Sunday make?

He became a coach for a younger team

He decided to travel the world.

He opened a sports equipment store.

He gave his life to God and became an evangelist.

Why did a reporter compare Billy Sunday's preaching to a baseball hit?

He used baseball stories and references to connect with his audience.

He spoke very quickly, like when a batter runs around the bases.

His sermons were long and boring, like watching a game from the outfield.

He wasn't very good at preaching, so it was like striking out.

What was unusual about Billy Sunday's choice to become an evangelist instead of continuing his baseball career?

Evangelism was a very popular career choice back then.

Baseball players earned a lot of money, so most chose to stay in the sport.

Giving up a well-paying job to follow your passions wasn't common.

He wasn't very good at baseball, so becoming an evangelist was a better option

Billy Sunday was also famous for:

being a scientist who studied evolution

speaking out against women's right to vote

promoting Prohibition against alcohol

making movies about his religious beliefs

Which of these activities did Billy Sunday NOT approve of?

playing cards

going to the movies

fighting in World War I

voting in elections

When, where, and how did he die?