White Supremacy Characteristics 2

Read the descriptions of the White Supremacy Characteristic on the Jamboard. Then, with your group, categorize each example or scenario into one of the three characteristics.
Language: English
Subject: Other > Other

White Supremacy Characteristics 2

Read the descriptions of the White Supremacy Characteristic on the Jamboard. Then, with your group, categorize each example or scenario into one of the three characteristics.

We need to be careful how we bring that up, the team has put a lot of time into that project.

It all comes down to race in America.

We can’t have students getting angry ; you need to calm down.

If you’re feeling cold, you should try wearing warmer clothes.

I can’t be racist; I have black friends.

Too many cooks spoil the broth.

Poverty is the result of lack of education.

Can you hurry up?! Either you want the slice of pizza or you don’t!

Can you believe she asked the boss about the budget?! How rude.