The History of psychology Quiz

Language: English
Subject: Other > Other
School grade: South Africa South Africa

The History of psychology Quiz

1. Who is often referred to as the "father of psychology"?

Sigmund Freud

Wilhelm Wundt

B.F. Skinner

John B. Watson

2. Which of the following is considered the first psychology laboratory?

Harvard University

University of Leipzig

University of Vienna

Stanford University

3. Who developed the theory of psychoanalysis?

B.F. Skinner

Carl Rogers

Ivan Pavlov

Sigmund Freud

4. Which psychologist is known for his work in behaviorism?

Carl Jung

William James

John B. Watson

Abraham Maslow

5. Who is known for his theory of cognitive development, which outlines stages of intellectual development from infancy through adulthood?

Ivan Pavlov

Jean Piaget

Carl Rogers

B.F. Skinner

6. Who is known for his research on classical conditioning with dogs?

John B. Watson

Ivan Pavlov

B.F. Skinner

Albert Bandura

7. Which psychologist proposed the hierarchy of needs theory?

Carl Rogers

Abraham Maslow

Erik Erikson

Jean Piaget

8. Which psychologist is associated with the theory of social learning, emphasizing the role of observation and imitation in learning?

Albert Bandura

Abraham Maslow

John B. Watson

Carl Jung

9. Who developed the theory of operant conditioning?

B.F. Skinner

Ivan Pavlov

Albert Bandura

Jean Piaget

10. Which humanistic psychologist is known for the concept of self-actualization?

B.F. Skinner

Ivan Pavlov

Carl Rogers

Jean Piaget