Matching equivalents

Practice matching the equivalent measurements
Language: English
Subject: Other > Other
School grade: United States of America United States of America

Matching equivalents

Practice matching the equivalent measurements

Match the equivalent measurements

click on the measurement on the left hand side and match it to it's equivalent on the right

1/2 gal

2 pt

1 T


1 lb


1/3 c

2 qts

1 qt

16 T

1 c

10T+ 2t

1/4 c


2/3 c

5T +1 t

1/2 c

1/2 c

1 stick of butter

4 T

Match the equivalent measurements

click on the measurement on the left hand side and match it to it's equivalent on the right

1/2 gal

8 oz

3/4 c

2 qts

1/8 c

1 lb

1 gal

16 c

1/2 lb

12 T

2 c

2 T

32 oz

1 qt