Lab 10: Cropping Systems (NE)

Language: English
Subject: Natural science > Plants
Age: 18 - 25

AGRON 220 Lab: Cropping Systems (NW)
A worksheet to walk you through the tenth lab session

Task 1: Field Boundaries and Soil Samples (soil info sheet on last page of worksheet)
Draw in boundaries for your group's four fields and label them A, B, C and D. You can look up the soil information using Web Soil Survey, if this helps with your decision!

Start drawing!

Task 2: Field Rotations
Complete the table below for a 3-year rotation of your four fields. Remember that you must include the crops listed in your farmer letter! If you have double-cropping, these crops should be listed together, in order of planting.

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Start drawing!

Field A

Field B

Field C

Field D

Task 3: Year 1 Plant Populations
Find target plant populations for your first year's rotation based on your farm's region in Kansas.

Year 1 Crop

Year 1 Target Plant Population

Start drawing!

Field A

Field B

Field C

Field D

Task 4: Year 1 Crop Yield Goals
Find reasonable yield goals for your first year's rotation based on your farm's region in Kansas.

Year 1 Crop

Year 1 Yield Goal

Start drawing!

Field A

Field B

Field C

Field D

Task 5: Recommendations
Provide your group's response to the farmer-requested recommendations. Include your rationale, aka "why".

Start drawing!

Task 6: Potential Problems
Respond to any problems the farmer indicated in their letter, and offer any thoughts your group has on other problems this farmer might encounter with the proposed rotation.

Start drawing!
Start drawing!