Sand activty

The activity is a little science experiment to see how the children are going to react to sand and what they are going to make with it. Are they going to put in the bottle or use it in the tray? Are they going to combine the different colors of sand? Most importantly how do they feel about the sand and how it relates to their outside environment? Are they going to relate the texture of the sand to something? When guiding on the activity are going to learn complex words like a funnel to put the sand in and the time it takes to put the sand in the bottle. The other thing would be when they don’t put in the bottle and how they play it to record their reactions and write down how their feel throughout the activity and how they respond when teaching them about the sand. The activity is to help in the learning process of language development, gross motor skills, and social and emotional development. To help extend their learning is by talking about places where sand is, what type of animals live in the dessert, and what similar textures does the sand feel like?
Language: English
Subject: Natural science > Ecosystems
School grade: United States of America United States of America

Sand activty

The activity is a little science experiment to see how the children are going to react to sand and what they are going to make with it. Are they going to put in the bottle or use it in the tray? Are they going to combine the different colors of sand? Most importantly how do they feel about the sand and how it relates to their outside environment? Are they going to relate the texture of the sand to something? When guiding on the activity are going to learn complex words like a funnel to put the sand in and the time it takes to put the sand in the bottle. The other thing would be when they don’t put in the bottle and how they play it to record their reactions and write down how their feel throughout the activity and how they respond when teaching them about the sand. The activity is to help in the learning process of language development, gross motor skills, and social and emotional development. To help extend their learning is by talking about places where sand is, what type of animals live in the dessert, and what similar textures does the sand feel like?

Did they put the sand in the bottle or played with in the metal tray?

How did the sand feel to them

What did they relate the sand to?

Did they know any animals that live in the desert?

Did they know any places where there is sand?