Getting started with Social Media

This worksheet will help you start thinking about your generation and the effects of social media on the current generation.
Language: English
Subject: Moral Education > Values
Age: 12 - 13

Getting started with Social Media

This worksheet will help you start thinking about your generation and the effects of social media on the current generation.

What is social media?

A type of newspaper

A way to communicate with friends

A type of music

A type of food

What is a follower?

Someone who follows you on the street

Someone who likes your posts

Someone who comments on your posts

Someone who subscribes to your channel

What is a block?

A way to block someone from your account

A way to block someone from commenting on your posts

A way to block someone from sending you messages

All of the above

In 2008 what device was made available?




Space Rides

Kids growing up after 2008 are less likely to....

Have sex

Get a Driver's license

Get a Job

Manage their own money

Drink Alcohol

All of the Above

Please Make a list of all of your Social Media Accounts

Which of these are linked to LESS happiness?

Social Media


Video Chat

Video Games

All of the Above

Which of these are linked to MORE Happiness?

Sports and Exercise

Religious Services

Print Media

In-Person interaction



All of the Above

Which of the below has increased at an alarming rate in recent years?

Severe Depression



All of the Above