Making New Friends: A Guide for ESL Students

Discover the secrets to making new friends in school with these three simple yet effective tips! Start by harnessing the power of a warm smile to appear more approachable and boost your mood. Then, dive into clubs or sports teams to connect with peers who share your passions. Finally, learn the art of being a good listener, an invaluable skill that fosters meaningful relationships. Whether you're new to the school or just looking to expand your circle, these strategies are sure to help you build lasting connections!
Language: English
Subject: Moral Education > Moral
Age: 6 - 18

Making New Friends: A Guide for ESL Students

Discover the secrets to making new friends in school with these three simple yet effective tips! Start by harnessing the power of a warm smile to appear more approachable and boost your mood. Then, dive into clubs or sports teams to connect with peers who share your passions. Finally, learn the art of being a good listener, an invaluable skill that fosters meaningful relationships. Whether you're new to the school or just looking to expand your circle, these strategies are sure to help you build lasting connections!

Making New Friends: A Guide for ESL Students

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What is one way to make new friends when joining a new school?

Smile and say hello to others

Ignore everyone and keep to yourself

Make fun of others to get their attention

Avoid talking to anyone

Why is it important to be friendly and approachable when meeting new people?

To make enemies

To build positive relationships

To show off

To be rude

What does active listening involve when talking to someone?

Looking around the room

Ignoring the speaker

Paying attention and responding appropriately

Checking your phone

Which of the following is a good icebreaker question?

Do you hate school?

What's your favorite subject?

Why are you so quiet?

Are you a troublemaker?

Why is it important to be yourself when making new friends?

To pretend to be someone else

To build fake relationships

To be accepted for who you truly are

To be someone you are not

How can body language affect communication with others?

It doesn't matter

It can show interest or disinterest

It confuses people

It's not important

What is an example of a positive social skill for making friends?

Ignoring others' feelings

Being kind and helpful

Being mean and disrespectful

Avoiding conversations