Vocabulary.Negotiation tips

Complete with one of the words from the list in the correct form to succumb to turn off to lose your grip to haggle to say anything rash to pull off feasible (adj) concession (n) to strive for smth
Language: English
Subject: English language > Vocabulary
School grade: Ukraine Ukraine

Vocabulary.Negotiation tips

Complete with one of the words from the list in the correct form

to succumb
to turn off
to lose your grip
to haggle
to say anything rash
to pull off
feasible (adj)
concession (n)
to strive for smth

After weeks of resisting the temptation, he finally _________ to the allure of chocolate cake.

He ______for excellence in everything he did, pushing himself to achieve his goals.

In negotiations, each party must be willing to make___________ to reach a mutually beneficial agreement.

Implementing renewable energy sources is not only environmentally friendly but also ________in the long run.

Despite the challenges, she managed to____ ___ the event with great success.

Before making any decisions, it's important not to say anything ____ that you might regret later.

In some cultures, it's customary to ______ over prices at markets to ensure you get the best deal.

I don’t know what’s the matter; I think I’m losing my ____.

The downtown has outdated architecture that might ____ ___ some people.