TOEFL preparation

Language: English
Subject: English language > Vocabulary
School grade: Russia Russia

Rewrite the sentences using collocations with mind:

1. Sorry, I forgot about it
2. I'm always ready to look at the problem from different perspectives
3. I suddenly forgot everything I knew
4. I'm worried about something
5. A cup of hot cocoa can calm me down
6. Don't forget that the lessons start at 8!

Write down 5 words that are connected to/associated with memory:

(!This is optional! You can do it if you have time.) Watch the video and answer the questions:

1. What kind of test does he have for the audience? 2. Why do modern people memorise word list worse than previous generations? 3. What did he do after getting his diploma? 4. What did he learn during his year of working as a bagger? 5. What is his memorising method? 6. Why is the skill of experimentation more important than his memorising method? 7. Do you agree with the author? Why?

The next exercise is from TOEFL test. You need to read the text and choose the correct option. Here you only have 1 paragraph and 1 question but on the test you'll have about 5 paragraphs: