There is there are, house

Language: English
Subject: English language > Vocabulary
Age: 7 - 8

Write "there is" or "there are" to complete the sentences.

1. ___________ a dog in the park.

2. ___________ a baby in the bed.

3. ___________ three purple flowers next to the tree.

4. ___________ two bathrooms in the house.

5. ___________ two rabbits under the house.

6. ___________ a cat next to the dog.

7. ___________ a car next to the garden.

8. ___________ three computers in the library.

9. ___________ twenty-five books in the bookcase.

10. ___________ a telephone in the living room.

11. ___________ a toilet in the bathroom.

12. ___________ two bedrooms in my house.

13. ___________ a boy next to his mom.

14. ___________ two pictures in the hall.

15. ___________ a window in the kitchen.

Write your own sentences using "there is" and "there are" to say what is in the house.

For example: There is one kitchen in the house. There are four chairs in the dining room.

1. ____________________________________

2. ____________________________________

3. ____________________________________

4. ____________________________________

5. ____________________________________