B2+ Family worksheet

Language: English
Subject: English language > Vocabulary

Worksheet English Family and Friend B2/B2+

A quick check! Fill in the correct family members.

1. Henry is charlotte's ___________

2. Harry is Andrew's ___________

3. Beatrice is Zare's ___________

4. George is William and Kate's ___________

5. Camilla is William and Harry's ___________

6. Anne is Beatrice's ___________

7. Charles and Camilla are George's ___________

8. Eugenie is Anne's ___________

Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate word from the word bank provided:

genealogy | siblings | extended | descendant | heritage | nurture | generation | ancestors | foster | inherited

1. Many people are curious about their family
__________ , which involves researching their family tree and discovering their roots.

2. My great-great-grandfather immigrated to this country in the 19th __________ .

3. We have a rich cultural __________ with traditions that have been passed down through generations.

4. She is a __________ of a long line of doctors; her parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents were all in the medical profession.

5. Growing up with three
__________ , I learned the importance of sharing and compromise at a young age.

6. Our __________ family includes not only our parents and siblings but also aunts, uncles, and cousins.

7. Some personality traits are __________ from our parents, while others are shaped by our environment and experiences.

8. My parents decided to __________ a child when they couldn't have one of their own, and they provided a loving home for their adopted son.

9. We need to __________ and take care of the environment for future __________ .