Phrasal verbs

Language: English
Subject: English language > Verbs
Age: 15 - 16

Phrasal verbs

1. She tries to _______ some money every month.

bay pack

set aside

get by

2. I don't have much money until my next payday, but I will ____.

pick up

get by

set aside

3. Could you ________ my coat from the cleaners.

pay back

get by

pick up

4. How much did you pay last month? - Unfortunately, due to the crisis the bill ________ 275$.

sold out

came to

got by

5. On a hot day we can _______ ice cream in an hour.

set aside

splash out

sell out

6. She is going to _______ on a brand new car.

sell out

pay back

splash out

7. We are trying to ______ on the amount we spend on food.

splash out

set aside

cut back