Affirmative, negative and interrogative sentence in PAST SIMPLE TENSE

Escribir las estructuras o ejemplos de las oraciones que se piden en cada actividad
Language: English
Subject: English language > Verbs
Age: 12 - 15

Affirmative, negative and interrogative sentence in PAST SIMPLE TENSE

Escribir las estructuras o ejemplos de las oraciones que se piden en cada actividad

1. Write the sentence in positive and negative:

?.- Did you play table tennis last weekend?

2. Provide an example of an affirmative sentence in the past simple tense using the verb 'to be'.

3. Give an example of a negative sentence in the past simple tense with a regular verb.

4. Can you write an interrogative sentence in the past simple tense with an irregular verb?

5. Explain the difference between an affirmative and negative sentence in the past simple tense using regular verbs.

6. Create an affirmative sentence in the past simple tense with an irregular verb.

7. What is the structure of a negative sentence in the past simple tense with the verb 'to be'?

8. Compare and contrast the structure of affirmative and interrogative sentences in the past simple tense.

9. Provide an example of a negative sentence in the past simple tense with an irregular verb.

10. Write an affirmative sentence in the past simple tense using a regular verb.