A Good Samaritan -Synthesis and Substitution

Language: English
Subject: English language > Syntax
School grade: Malaysia Malaysia

把词汇运用到句子当中。 No 2 is the example.

The passengers got down from the bus and walked towards their family who came to fetch them.

We tried to escape from the cave but we failed.

We attempted to escape from the cave but we failed.

They thought they should buy the gift then only go to the party.

You must show your pity to the homeless people.

My mother said that I am good because I have helped her.

That man who is kind and willing to donate money died yesterday.

People who use the internet like to commen on pictures showing accidents.

I shouted at my top of voice but it didn't help.

He told me not open go out of the room after 12 o'clock midnight.

The salesperson always helps her customer when the walk in.

I met a good man who offered to take me home from school.