IELTS Speaking - Topic Holiday and Vacation

Language: English
Subject: English language > Speaking

IELTS Speaking - Topic Holiday and Vacation

Do many tourists visit your country on vacation?

- Probably yes...
- tourist attractions
- Not to mention,....

What do most people do during their vacations in your country?

Well, there are a huge number of people choosing to .... but some others prefer to ...

When do you prefer to take a vacation?

I prefer to take my holiday in ... because...

What do you like to do when you have a day off from work?

Personally, I'd love to do different things when I'm given a day off. First of all,...

Describe a tourist attraction that you visited in the past

You should say
- when you visited
- where the location is
- who you went with
and explain what you liked about it the most

PART 3 - What are the advantages of tourism industry?

What are some reasons why people take vacation?

I think the key reason is...

Do students and workers get a good amount of vacation time where you live?

I have to admit that... This is because...

Is it better to travel alone or with a tour group?

Everybody is different and they have their own preferences.
On one hand,
On the other hand,

What are some of the benefits of going away on a vacation/holiday?

First and foremost, it's...