The human body

This diagnostic test is prepared for first and fifth-grade students so that they can understand that the body is a complex structure made up of different systems that work together to keep us alive and healthy.
Language: English
Subject: English language > Reading comprehension
Age: 7 - 8

The human body

This diagnostic test is prepared for first and fifth-grade students so that they can understand that the body is a complex structure made up of different systems that work together to keep us alive and healthy.

The human body is amazing. It is made up of different parts such as the head, arms, legs, and heart. Each part has a special function that helps us move, think, and grow. It is important to take care of our body by eating healthy and exercising.


The purpose of this diagnostic test for second-grade elementary school children is to evaluate their level of knowledge and skills in different academic areas to identify strengths and weaknesses and provide personalized educational support, this test consists of 10 questions and with a score of 10 points each.

Multiple choice questions
1: Which organ pumps blood throughout the body?

This organ makes us hear its beats





Multiple choice questions
2: What is the main function of the lungs?

like two inflated balloons

Pumping blood


Digesting food


Fill-in-the-blank questions
3: Fill in the gap in the following statement about the human body.

"The ___ is the organ in charge of pumping blood throughout the body."

Fill-in-the-blank questions
4: Fill in the gap in the following statement about the human body.

"The ___ are the organs that allow us to breathe and deliver oxygen to our bodies."

Matching questions
5: Relate the concept to the correct organ

Let's identify the organs of our body and their functions.

Organ in charge of pumping blood.

1. Heart

Part of the digestive system where digestion of food takes place.

2. Lung

Organs responsible for respiration.

3. Stomach

Main organ of the nervous system, responsible for thinking and control of the body

4. Bones

Structures that form the skeleton and support the body

5. Brain

Matching questions
6: Relate the concept to the correct meaning

Let's get to know our senses

With what sense can we smell flowers


With which sense can we touch a soft feather


With which sense can we listen to music


With which sense can we taste a delicious pizza


With which sense can we see a rainbow


True or False questions
7: I select the correct answer if it is true or false

Is it true that the brain controls all the functions of the body?



True or False questions
8: I select the correct answer if it is true or false

Is it true that the stomach is the organ responsible for digesting food?



Open Questions
9: What are the five senses?

Each of them allows us to perceive and experience the world in different ways.

Open Questions.
10: What are the main organs of the human body?

This organ pumps all the body's blood.