reading unit 3

Language: English
Subject: English language > Reading comprehension
Age: 15 - 16

1. Choose the correct answers

1. In the research project, which group did better: the one that listened to music or the one that was silent?

Both did equally well

The silent group did better

The group listening to music did better

2. How can learning music help with languages, according to some studies?

It doesn't affect language skills

It helps understand your language better

It only helps with learning a second language

3. Do students who study music tend to do better in subjects like math?

Yes, it does

No, there's no connection

It depends on the students

4. Why does learning about rhythm in music relate to math, according to the passage?

Rythm and maths are unrelated

Rythm helps with conuting, like in maths

Music notes are like fractions in Maths