
Language: English
Subject: English language > Reading comprehension
School grade: South Africa South Africa

• The summary highlights potential antitrust concerns within the beauty supply industry, where dominant players may be engaging in anti-competitive practices.

• It emphasizes the challenges faced by Black beauty supply owners in entering and competing within the market, which is relevant to competition law.

• While not explicitly mentioned, the summary hints at potential cartel-like behavior among distributors who predominantly work with Asian-owned beauty supply stores, possibly limiting fair competition.

Price Fixing:
• Although not directly discussed, if distributors are colluding to set prices or terms that discriminate against Black-owned businesses, it could be considered price-fixing.

Predatory Pricing:
• The mention of entrepreneurs having to alter their appearances to secure distributor accounts implies predatory tactics that can hinder fair competition.

Abuse of Dominance:
• The dominance of Korean Americans in the beauty supply industry, as mentioned in the summary, could be indicative of potential abuse of dominance if they engage in practices to maintain control and limit competition.

Horizontal Agreement:
• The dominance of Korean Americans, who may have common interests in restricting market access, raises questions about potential horizontal agreements within the industry.

Vertical Integration:
• The summary highlights the control that certain players have over both manufacturing and distribution, indicating vertical integration that may impact competition.

Market Concentration:
• The dominance of Korean Americans in the industry points to significant market concentration, which can be relevant to antitrust considerations.

Market Entry Barriers:
• The summary suggests that Black beauty supply owners face barriers to entry due to challenges in securing products and distributor accounts.