NEWSELA Articles on Bullying

Various questions taken from NEWSELA and created to match standards of assessment for ELA R Grade 5 and 6
Language: English
Subject: English language > Reading comprehension
Age: 11 - 12


Student Opinion: Bullies need to be brought to justice

Answer the three multiple choice questions below, based on the article.


Which statement would be MOST important to include in a summary of the article?

According to the article, bullying is getting worse.

HOW does the author support this claim?

Read the following selection from the section "Kids Need To Be Educated On How Hurtful Bullying Can Be."

The study found that schools are safer when rules are applied and adults are around to help students. Rules and help were tied to a drop in bullying.

The Google Dictionary defines a bully as someone who uses strength or power to hurt others.

The author highlights that bullying happens more in the United States than in Canada.

How does this selection support the author's argument?

Many adults feel that bullying is a part of the school experience that there is no way to change.

The author compares a 2013 survey about bullying with a 2018 survey.

It highlights a study that shows how bullying causes health problems.

It uses a study to explain why bullying is a hard problem to solve.

Bullying can lead to lower confidence, mental health issues and even physical problems.

The author shows the number of kids who have mental illness because of bullying.

It shows a study proving that adults are making schools less safe.

A student who has physically bullied another is usually suspended from school for three days.

The author explains that younger children are getting bullied more than older kids.

It cites a study showing that adults can have a big effect on bullying.

Connect the evidence below to whether its a main idea of the text or if the text is supplemental (not needed to prove the central point of the article).


In the United Kingdom, there's an annual survey by Ditch the Label that in 2018 surveyed 9,000 people ages 12-20 about bullying.


The research found that 10 percent of the respondents were bullied daily and more than 50 percent were bullied at least once a month.

Once, I was called a name and my friend told a teacher who was standing right next to us.


Giving bullies firmer punishments and taking bullying victims more seriously is a start to creating safer, bully-free schools.


Classify the arguments presented in this opinion as one of the following:




Information the author shares about their own life that strengthens their argument or reason for making the argument.

Information that has been studied scientifically or shown to be true with a pattern of evidence.

Information that is verified or proven by important people who have become experts in the area of the specific argument.

In 2013, less than half of those surveyed said they were bullied often.

Once, I was called a name and my friend told a teacher who was standing next to us. The teacher said that wasn't very nice and then walked away.

Pathstone Mental Health is a group in Canada. It says ... if bullying is not stopped, children will continue to be hurt.


Stopping school bullying with orange T-shirts and a music video

Answer the three multiple choice questions below, based on the article.


Select the starting sentence for the paragraph in the text that reveals uncertainty with the new anti-bullying campaign.

In which of the sentences given below does the word "mean" have the SAME meaning as it does when used in this sentence:

Which sentence from the article BEST indicates why handling the problem of bullying is a complex issue.

Few parents asked schools to protect their children against mean students.

Then Ronan and other student leaders will reward students who try to stop bullying or encourage kindness.

His classmates at Stratford Middle School in Bloomingdale, Ill., will watch the video. [3]

In the past, schools didn't deal effectively with bullying. [6]

Encouraging students to respect each other works better than saying "Don’t be a bully," said Brian Meyer.

Sorry! I did not mean to offend you.

He is rather rude and mean to me.

Under the program, schools know that any student may bully others and be bullied themselves. [8]

"There aren't any quick, easy solutions that are going to happen after one hour or an afternoon,” she said.

This car is a mean machine.

Many educators and researchers like the program. [9]

Parents mean well when they scold us.

About 20 to 30 of every 100 school children are either bullies or bullied.

Determine whether the following statements are true or false about the article.


Positive measures are helpful to stop bullying in schools.

Bullying is a common problem in many schools in the U.S.


Popular people do not get bullied.

The majority of students in Bloomingdale schools are involved in bullying.


Bullying in school affects a child emotionally.

Chintan Dave was bullied for wearing a neon orange shi

In the space below, imagine a school without bullying. What would the hallways look like? How would people treat each other? What would the students look like? What would the teachers look like? What would you see happening at the school? Draw a picture to answer these questions.


Start drawing!