Capybara Rodent

Match the question and the answer
Language: English
Subject: English language > Reading comprehension
Age: 12 - 13

Capybara Rodent

Match the question and the answer

Match questions and answers

What is the size of the biggest rodent in the world?

Capybaras prefer to live in groups of 10 to 20.

Some animals that like to eat capybaras are snakes, foxes, jaguars, and people.

Where do capybaras live?

The biggest rodent in the world is about 50cm tall and 140cm long.

How do capybaras look like?

Capybaras look like big guinea pigs with webbed feet, high eyes and nose on their heads.

Do capybaras prefer to be alone or with others?

What are some animals that like to eat capybaras?

Capybaras live near water in Central America and South America.