A postcard from Nairobi (Play Jan/Feb, page 25)

Spoj otázky a odpovědi
Language: English
Subject: English language > Reading comprehension
Age: 11 - 12

A postcard from Nairobi (Play Jan/Feb, page 25)

Spoj otázky a odpovědi

Spojte otázky a odpovědi.

Where is Nairobi?

It is in Kenya.

How many people live in Nairobi?

Fred would like to see rhinos and jacklas.

What is the Nairobi National Park?

Yes, they can.

Is the Nairobi National Park a zoo??

No, it isn't a zoo.

Can the animals in the park go where they want?

Lots of people live there.

What animals would Fred like to see?

It's a place where many animals live.

Does Fred have a smart phone?

No, he doesn't. He has got a camera.