The noun feedback

Language: English
Subject: English language > Nouns
Age: 9 - 10

The Noun (feedback)

A. Type the plural form of the following nouns. -S, -ES, -VES, -IES.







B. Choose the correct quantifier for these sentences.

I won

awards when I was young.

Sandra doesn't have

pencil colors in her pencil case.

Martin has

books in french.

Carmen eats

apples in the morning.

C. Irregular nouns: Choose the correct form.

D. Arrange the following sentences.

1. little/ the in morning/ time/have/They

2. had/ little a / rice /Susan/ the oven/ in

3. drinks/ Marcy/ tea/ lot of a /the day/ during.

4. you/ Do/ much/ eat bread/ in the evening/?

E. Choose the correct Possessive noun to complete these sentences.

is big.

are new.

are dirty.

are expensive.

F. Complete the following sentences using "How many/How much", "There is/are" and "Some/ Any".

ten blueberries in the basket.

apples do you eat in the morning?

a spider on the window.

water does Sam drink at night?

Do you want

chocolate bar?

rice with beef?