Artificial intelligence test

Language: English
Subject: English language > Listening
School grade: France France > Lycée > Première
Age: 16 - 17

What is the type of document ?

What is the subject of the document ? (be precise)

What is Tony Belpaeme's opinion ?

How do children respond to robots ?

What are the positive and negative impacts of theses responses ?

Résume en français ce que tu as compris du document


Transforme ces phrases au superlatif:
1. What is the (Polite) way to say no ?
2. Avatar 2 is the (bad) movie ever.
3. English is (good) subject.
4. It is the (boring) book I've read in years.
5. The (heavy) potato weighs 4. 98kg.


Choisis la bonne forme pour chaque phrase

My train ..... at 5pm.

Look at the clouds ...... (rain) today.

I ........ watch Black Panther tomorrow

I think I..... visit my mother.

Laura ............ soon.

Answer the following questions:
1. What is the subject of the document ?
2. What can AI do ?
3. What is the link with Hollywood ?
4. What can humans do ?
5. What is the purpose of DATA ?
6. Résume en français, ce que tu as compris du document.

Written expression

Some people think that AI is dangerous for mankind, what is your opinion? (70 words min)