Share you knowledge - Parts of Speech! PMA

Instructions: Match the name of each Parts of Speech with its definition.
Language: English
Subject: English language > Grammar
School grade: Guatemala Guatemala

ENGLISH 4th and 5th Grades A2+ GROUP A - Teacher: Silvana Ramírez
QUIZ 1 - PMA 80% Maximum Score
Series 1 - Instructions:
What is the correct difinition?
Match with a line the name of each Part of Speech with its definition.

Is a word that describes a noun or an pronoun.
Examples: Beautiful, old, clean, smart, fast, expensive.



Is a word that describes a verb, and adjective or another adverb. Examples: Always, sometimes, highly, rapidly.

Shows the relationship of a noun or pronoun to another word. Or is a word that shows position.
Examples: in, with, on, at, under, behind.



Is a word used in place of a noun.
I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they.


Is a person, animal, place, thing or idea. Examples: friend, crocodile, planet, computer, love.

Is a word that expresses emotion and you need to use an exclamation mark. Examples: Wow! Hey! Boom! Yeah! Ouch!



Is a word that joins other phrases. Examples: and, or, but.


Is a word that shows an action or a state of being. It can show what someone is doing or did.
Examples: call, paint, walk, sit, play.

Series 2 - Instructions:
Select the correct answer from the drop down menu.

1. Noun:

2. Conjunction:

3. Adjective:

4. Preposition:

5. Adverb:

6. Subject Pronouns:

7. Interjection:

8. Verb: