Let's call the whole thing off

Idioms through the lyrics of Ella and Louis
Language: English
Subject: English language > Grammar
Age: 17 - 18

Let's call the whole thing off

Idioms through the lyrics of Ella and Louis

• Ersters: New York & Luisiana pronunciation of “oysters”

• to call off:
Call it off
Call off your dogs

What do you think the meaning of this song is?

call off

What does this phrasal verb mean?

to phone someone

to cancel an agreement

to ring a doorbell

go for

What does this phrasal verb mean?

to move straight ahead

to find something

to decide on something

give up

What does this phrasal verb mean?

to be sick and vomit

to admit defeat

to throw something in the air

You like this and the other while I go for this and that:

What is your definition?

Things have come to a pretty pass:

What is your definition?

Goodness knows:

What is your definition?

Flat (our romance is growing flat):

What is your defiition?