First Conditional Practice (Thursday, August 17)

Choose the correct answer to complete each first conditional sentence.
Language: English
Subject: English language > Grammar
Age: 11 - 12

First Conditional Practice (Thursday, August 17)

Choose the correct answer to complete each first conditional sentence.

1. If it rains, _____

2. If I wake up late, _____

3. If you come home late,_____

4. If she comes to the party,_____

5. If I don't go to sleep early, _____

6. If you miss the movie tonight,_____

7. If class is canceled, _____

8. If it rains,_____

9. If we arrive home late ,_____

9. If Laisa doesn't finish her lunch ,_____

Complete the sentence using "will or won't", don't forget to add a period at the end of each sentence.

1. If my plane is early, I (not get coffee).

2. If my mom agrees to pick me up, I (go to the party).

3. If we go out tonight, I (get you an ice cream).

4. If Mati does not finish his homework, we (not go to the amusement park).

5. If Claudia passes her driver's test, her mom (gift her a car to go to the university).

Practice pattern 2 of first conditional sentences. Match the sentences.

She will earn an excellent grade, and her parents will be proud of her

If she studies hard for the test.

if the weather is sunny, and we will have a picnic by the shore.

We will go to the beach this weekend

They can watch a movie, or they can play board games

If the restaurant has our favorite dish on the menu.

if he doesn't wake up on time.

He will miss the bus

We will order it, and we'll also try the new dessert

If they finish their homework early.

Exit ticket: What activity stood out to you most from the class today and why? Write down your answer on a piece of lined paper in your folder.