Agreement with So and Neither

Intrusctions: Read carefully the following sentences, then choose the right option to agree.
Language: English
Subject: English language > Grammar
School grade: Honduras Honduras > Otros

Agreement with So and Neither

Intrusctions: Read carefully the following sentences, then choose the right option to agree.

1. I don't like mushrooms.

Neither don't I

So do I

Neither do I

So I do

2. I love going to the cinema.

So I do

So I am

So do I

So am I

3. I can't swim.

Neither can't I

So can I

Neither I can

Neither can I

4. I enjoyed the concert.

Neither did I

So did I

So do I

Neither didn't I

5. I want to go shopping.

So am I

Neither do I

So can I

So do I

6. I'm really tired. I will go to rest.

So have I

So am I

So did I

So I am not

7. I don't agree with you.

So do I

Neither did I

Neither do I

So did I

8. I wish it was Saturday!

Neither do I

So can I

So do I

So am I

I could not sleep well last night.

So could I

So couldn't I

Neither could I

Neither couldn't I

10. I visited Paris last year with my family.

So I did

So do I

Neither do I

So did I