Power Up 6 | Unit 4.3

This Activity will review all the lessons you had in this Unit. You will also have some exercises to improve what you've learned from your teachers and also from the book. We want you to answer it carefully. You have 30 minutes to answer them so answer them slowly but surely. We believe in you and that you can do better. Fighting!
Language: English
Subject: English language > Extra Curriculum
Age: 10 - 11

Power Up 6 | Unit 4.3

This Activity will review all the lessons you had in this Unit. You will also have some exercises to improve what you've learned from your teachers and also from the book. We want you to answer it carefully. You have 30 minutes to answer them so answer them slowly but surely. We believe in you and that you can do better. Fighting!

Complete the following sentences by choosing the correct phrasal verb from the list given.
(put away, put on, left out, take off, wake up, get on, stand up, call back, fill out, turn down)

1. Be sure to ______a life jacket before getting into the boat.

2. We _____ the trash for pickup.

3. It’s time to _____ the plane.

4. I'm busy now. Could you please _____later?

5. I don't want to listen to that music. Could you _____ the volume?

6. Please _____ this application form.

7. _____ when speaking in class, please.

8. We’ll have to ______ early if we want breakfast.

9. _____ your shoes before you walk on the carpet.

10. Please _____ your dictionary. You can't use a dictionary during the test.

Are holidays really relaxing? What stressful things are involved in taking a holiday?

When your holiday is finished are you happy to get back to school or not? Why?

Some people buy and read a guidebook before going on holiday. What do you do to prepare for a holiday?

What was your worst holiday experience? What happened?

Where did you go in your last holiday vacation? Who did you go with and what did you do?

What is the most memorable holiday you had when you were a child?